Friday, May 8, 2009


I set up a computer that we have here in the house for regifting today. We bought this computer new for our son in 2000. It is old enough now that it won't run any modern operating system except Windows XP and Linux. I decided not to use Win XP for a couple of reasons, one being that XP is at end of life and the other is that I don't have a handy license for XP laying around. Linux on the other hand is powerful, works fine on an older system such as this and is free. Free in cost as well as in other ways that I won't go into right now. I chose to use Ubuntu 9.04 for this system. It installed easily, the old old wireless card on this system which has never been very compatable (a Broadcom card) is now well supported, and the system is rather snappy for a 9 year old computer. After I got it set up and running with all the mutimedia drivers working I called the person it is going to be given too. He will pick it up in the next day or two. And here goes another computer saved from the trash heap.

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