Friday, May 8, 2009

Good Morning

Good Morning! Michelle and I both are up and out on the back porch before 10am. Not bad for an old retired guy and his wife who is off work today. It is pretty out here, temperature 78 and of course shady with our new roof over this back deck. I am using my computer and she is reading a "paper book" propped up against her Kindle. Now that is a new use for a Kindle - a book rest!
We are going out in a little while to get Michelle part of her mothers day gift, a necklace to go on a pendant that just came in. The new pendant is kinda neat as well as being beautiful. The beautiful part comes from it being a sterling silver filigree and decoration over a white jade back. The kinda neat part is that it was hand made my Tibetan Artisans in either Nepal or India.
It came from a shop online that I have ordered stuff from for years. The owner of the shop is Buddhist and goes to the area where the Dali Lama has set up his government in exile. He does this at least once a year to buy from these artisans. Part of the purchase price also helps support Tibetan artisans living in Nepal and India.
If you are interested in looking at this man's web site it is and is a really nice place to look (and buy!) Prices are reasonable considering that you are buying hand made stuff made by artisans.

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