Wednesday, May 27, 2009

After the break...

After a break here, I am back at the keyboard. In the interim, Michelle has had her surgery and is doing pretty good post op. She struggles some with food and eating but I feel confident that it will work itself out.

I have the driveway and sidewalks done finally. Now, today Wes and a friend are coming over to put a retaining wall in beside the driveway and topsoil behind it(might as well pay them as paying someone I don't know). We are also going to re-do the Zen Garden that I have right in the front of the house. It never was much more that some white rock before. Now it will be much much better (I hope!).

My back continues to hurt a lot. I am going to make an appointment with my neurosurgeon to see what is going on. I hope I don't have to have more back surgery.

Found my Bodi seed bracelet. I thought I had lost it, had been looking for it for over a month. This is a good thing.

I am going to stop here, Wes should be here within the next 10 minutes.


Monday, May 11, 2009

An eventful day

Today has been an eventful day and it isn't even 7PM yet. I started the day hearing someone outside the house right after the alarm clock went off. Going to investigate I found the guys from the Concrete company that was sub-contracted to do my sidewalks and driveway. I had last seen them 3 weeks ago when they had come to the house and installed the forms for my sidewalks. It has rained every day except one since then so they couldn't do any more on the job. Today, no rain. So they were there. There was only one problem. Today was also the day that we were going to Nashville as Michelle is having surgery tomorrow. We talked it over, the guys told me that they would be done by 1PM so we waited to leave for Nashville. It was a good wait, I went out and watched them work. It was enjoyable to watch them and I learned a great deal about concrete, pouring concrete and finishing concrete. They finished at about 2 PM and Michelle and I left the house for Nashville.

After a nice drive down to Nashville and through the city we arrived at our hotel. It is a Holiday Inn and it is directly across the street from Centennial Park which has a copy of the Parthenon. We are close to Vanderbilt University and in a "nice" part of town. The lobby is nicer than anything we have in Bowling Green. We were pleasantly surprised when we got to our room. The room was pretty good sized and looked luxurious. We were greeted by a Swan on our bed made from towels and washcloths. We also found more Swans in the bathroom on the counter and hanging from the grab rail in the shower. We also have a large HDTV in a cabinet at the foot of our bed. All the furnature is finished Cherry. All in all, one of the nicest hotel rooms I have ever encountered. I took pictures and (hopefully) we be adding them to the blog in days to come.

We will be getting up early tomarrow morning, we have to be at the hospital by 5:30 AM in the morning.


Friday, May 8, 2009

Good Morning

Good Morning! Michelle and I both are up and out on the back porch before 10am. Not bad for an old retired guy and his wife who is off work today. It is pretty out here, temperature 78 and of course shady with our new roof over this back deck. I am using my computer and she is reading a "paper book" propped up against her Kindle. Now that is a new use for a Kindle - a book rest!
We are going out in a little while to get Michelle part of her mothers day gift, a necklace to go on a pendant that just came in. The new pendant is kinda neat as well as being beautiful. The beautiful part comes from it being a sterling silver filigree and decoration over a white jade back. The kinda neat part is that it was hand made my Tibetan Artisans in either Nepal or India.
It came from a shop online that I have ordered stuff from for years. The owner of the shop is Buddhist and goes to the area where the Dali Lama has set up his government in exile. He does this at least once a year to buy from these artisans. Part of the purchase price also helps support Tibetan artisans living in Nepal and India.
If you are interested in looking at this man's web site it is and is a really nice place to look (and buy!) Prices are reasonable considering that you are buying hand made stuff made by artisans.


I set up a computer that we have here in the house for regifting today. We bought this computer new for our son in 2000. It is old enough now that it won't run any modern operating system except Windows XP and Linux. I decided not to use Win XP for a couple of reasons, one being that XP is at end of life and the other is that I don't have a handy license for XP laying around. Linux on the other hand is powerful, works fine on an older system such as this and is free. Free in cost as well as in other ways that I won't go into right now. I chose to use Ubuntu 9.04 for this system. It installed easily, the old old wireless card on this system which has never been very compatable (a Broadcom card) is now well supported, and the system is rather snappy for a 9 year old computer. After I got it set up and running with all the mutimedia drivers working I called the person it is going to be given too. He will pick it up in the next day or two. And here goes another computer saved from the trash heap.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My lost keys

Today, after a friend visited I decided to go out and get some lunch (I am not cooking in the house right now to help Michelle with her diet before her surgery). Returning home after lunch I found I had grabbed a set of keys to the truck without a house key on it (that is fixed now, I have a house key on all our key rings I think). Finding I could not get into the house, I tried to call my son (who has keys) but to no avail. No problem, I will just go over to the hospital at get Michelle's keys. On arrival there I find that she is in a class and shouldn't be distrubed. This was at 1:50 PM, and they say she will be back by 2. I return at 2 to be told she will be back at 2:30. I return to find that she will "be back any moment." I ask that they have her call me and go out to sit in my truck and read. She calls at 3:10 and I finally get her keys.

The point to this story?

Before today I would have been beside myself with anger. At myself for not taking the keys I should have had in the first place At my son for not answering his phone. At the hospital for not knowing when Michelle would be back for sure and finally with Michelle for being in a class instead of in the Unit where I expected her to be. Now this would not have been rational, but that is the way it would have been.

But today, I decided to take action instead of allowing anger to control me. I said mantras over and over finding myself becoming calm instead of angry. Instead of having a terrible afternoon, I had a good one. I got to talk to several old friends that I ran into in the hospital while waiting for Michelle to return. I got to listen to NPR in my truck and I got to read some of a good book. I had a wonderful afternoon instead of a terrible one. All because I did not let anger control me.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The I Ching found!

Just a short post tonight as the hour is late but I want to make writing here a habit...

I have been reading The Way of Zen and the part I read today referenced the I Ching. I mentioned this to Michelle which led to a book hunt tonight. We have found her old hardback copy of the I Ching. She is over at her desk pouring over it as I write this. Otherwise a pretty mundane day running errands and such. Actually all in all, it was a pretty good day.


Sunday, May 3, 2009

Michelle and I went out last night and picked up my book. I don't know if she can tell it yet but her diet is already affecting her. Last night she had enough energy left to go with me to the book store and pick up my book.

This leads me to the thing I want to talk about right now. Before last night, she would have come home exhausted after a bad day at work and would have been unable to do anything except come home and collapse. She had one of those days yesterday, they are coming much too frequently now it seems. The hospital needs to staff better (not just her hospital but all hospitals). Until this happens, being a patient in a hospital endangers the patient as the staff cannot care for them properly. Being a staff member in the hospital overworks the person and causes unbelievable amounts of stress on that person as the personality types that go into health care are not doing it for the money, they are doing it because they are caretakers. It is a lose lose situation. Even physicians, who we frequently vilify, are overworked, overstressed and are unable to care for their patients properly. The only answer I can see from my vantage is to remove hospitals and health care from the corporate board rooms and return them to the public trust. Hospitals should not be in the "business" to make money. It is all supposed to be about caring for patients. Nurses, lab techs, nursing techs and even doctors should be able to make a living wage from medicine. They should not starve or become wealthy because they are taking care of ill people.

Michelle has just arrived home early. I just heard the car beep as she set its alarm system. I am going to go check why she is home (I am always glad to have her home but am curious as to why).


Saturday, May 2, 2009

Picked up The Way of Zen by Alan W. Watts this evening and have started reading it. I have accepted a one month challange; the challenge of reading, thinking and discussing this book with myself, my wife and with any other friends who might read this blog and wish to provide positive feedback.
-- May Peace be with you.
Called Barnes and Noble to order The Way of Zen by Alan W. Watts this evening. I was surprised to find that they have one copy in stock. They are holding it for me. I will pick it up this evening or tomarrow.